Below is a listing of our location & department phone numbers.
Bloomington on Empire
- ENT - (309) 663-4368
- Family Medicine - (309) 300-1031
- Urology - (309) 661-3380
- Neurology - (309) 385-7010
Champaign on University
- Cardiology - (217) 366-1304
- Dermatology - (217) 366-1248
- Hematology/Oncology - (217) 366-1299
- Neurology - (217) 366-1266
- OB/GYN - (217) 366-1255
- Physical Therapy - (217) 366-1323
- Pulmonary Medicine - (217) 366-1212
- Radiology - (217) 366-1285
- Sleep Center - (217) 366-2222
- Interventional Pain Management - (217) 366-5027
- Vein & Vascular - (217) 366-2670
Champaign on Windsor
- Behavioral Health - (217) 366-5600
- Convenient Care - (217) 366-8130
- Pediatrics - (217) 366-1257
- Internal Medicine & Nephrology - (217) 366-5434
- Family Medicine - (217) 366-6104
- Endocrinology - (217) 366-4407
- Rheumatology - (217) 366-1372
- Radiology - (217) 366-1285
- Transformations Medical Weight Loss Program - (217) 366-7460
- Dietitian - (217) 366-8144
Mahomet on Commercial
Mahomet on Main
Medical Hills
Radiation Oncology
St. Joseph
The Fields
- ENT - (217) 366-1243
- Foot & Ankle Surgery - (217) 366-5418
- Gastroenterology - (217) 366-6162
- General Surgery - (217) 366-1228
- Infusion Center - (217) 366-6028
- Ophthalmology - (217) 366-1250
- Orthopedics & Sports Medicine - (217) 366-1237
- Physical Therapy - (217) 366-1323
- Urology - (217) 366-1240
The Riverfront
Tuscola on Main
Tuscola on Pembroke