Early Labor Warning Signs These signs may be normal, but if you experience any of them, contact your provider. Regular tightening of the uterus or belly four to six times per hour. It may feel like the baby is “balling up.” “Period-like” cramps that come and go or happen constantly. You may also feel pain in your back. A low, dull backache that feels differently than previous backaches. Pressure or pain in the lower belly, back, or upper legs. Heavy drainage from the vagina or birth opening that feels or looks like water, mucus, or blood. If you are worried and feel like “something is not right.” GO TO THE HOSPITAL If you are more than a month from your due date and you are having more than 4 contractions an hour. If your water breaks. If you experience heavy bleeding (menses). Decreased fetal movement. Hospital Packing List for Mom: Comfortable clothes Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, shampoo/conditioner, body soap, hair ties, lip balm) Nursing bra Slippers A few sets of pajamas Phone Phone charger Glasses/contacts Nursing pillow Breast pump (if unsure how to use) For partner: snacks, comfortable clothes, entertainment, lip balm Hospital Packing List for Baby: Car seat Car seat cover Pacifier if planning to use Going home outfit (with a backup option) Baby socks Mittens Nail file Baby book Leave at Home: Valuables Jewelry Diapers and wipes Formula Baby bottles Medications Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, & e-cigarettes Labor Induction Labor induction is only considered if it improves the baby’s and the mother’s health during delivery. Labor induction is accomplished by administering medication and/or by artificial rupture of membranes. Labor induction is considered with the following conditions: Hypertension in pregnancy Gestational diabetes Post maturity/past due date Ruptured membranes for more than 24 hours Prolonged labor or slow progress Change in baby’s health If you’re going to be induced, your provider’s office will schedule a date and time to report to Carle Foundation Hospital. If you have not already done so, please call Carle Hospital at 383-3031. If you choose to be induced at Carle Foundation Hospital, go directly to the Labor and Delivery area, report to the receptionist, and let her know that you are going to be induced. Please call the labor and delivery staff one hour before your arrival time to confirm the time. Occasionally, due to a high volume of deliveries, it may be necessary to reschedule your induction. Eat lightly (e.g. juice, cereal, toast) before you come for induction. If you have gestational diabetes, bring your supplies with you, and continue to check your sugars. When you are admitted, the nurse will review your history and prenatal record, check your vital signs, and monitor the baby. In order to stimulate uterine contractions, an intravenous infusion with Pitocin® may be used. Your contractions and your baby’s heart rate will be monitored throughout the procedure. Continue to change positions frequently, and practice relaxation techniques. After your cervix has dilated, your doctor may artificially rupture your amniotic sac to induce or stimulate labor. You will be monitored at the time of rupture and frequently during labor. Again, continue to change positions, and practice relaxation techniques. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Christie Clinic’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at (217) 366-1255 or Carle Foundation Hospital’s Labor and Delivery unit at (217) 383-3305. Birth Plans Congratulations on your upcoming delivery! The events surrounding the birth of a child create memories that will remain with you for a lifetime. Thank you for choosing Christie Clinic OB/GYN and Midwifery services as your partner and including us in this exciting time! Below is a list of common situations that are encountered during the birth of a child. We want to share with you the customary practices of Christie Clinic Providers so that you will have an idea of what to expect when you are admitted to the hospital. We hope it provides a framework for discussion to help you and your partner identify your wishes for this special day. Click HERE download our birth preferences form. Please Call to re-register at the hospital of your choosing at 36 weeks gestation Carle Hospital: (217) 383-3031