Christie Clinic Hosting a Weight Loss Information Session


Christie Clinic’s Transformations Medical Weight Loss Program will be hosting a weight loss information session event. The event will be held on Monday, March 25, at 6:30 p.m. at the I-Hotel in Champaign. It is open to all Transformations members – past, present and future.

Attendees will learn about the Transformations program and the science behind it.  New participants can enjoy hearing successful and inspirational stories from program participants and have a chance to win prizes and incentives for joining. Guest speakers Bob Grantham from Ideal Protein will be presenting.

Christie Clinic’s Transformations is a medical weight loss program that offers:

  • FDA labeled and approved foods
  • A full personal health assessment
  • Group and individual support and coaching
  • Weight and measurement progress analysis
  • Nutrition education
  • A meal plan to help you select the right nutritional foods

Since the program began in August 2011, participants have lost more than a total of 29,000 pounds.