Common Symptoms During Pregnancy To learn more about each of the common symptoms experienced during pregnancy, click on the dropdowns below. Backache The result of stretching ligaments and the weight of the baby. Tighten your lower abdominal muscles or wear a pelvic support belt. Pelvic tilt exercises may also help. Cramping Experiencing some cramps and contractions is normal. When they occur, empty your bladder, drink 1-2 glasses of water, and try to rest. If this does not relieve your cramping or if you are less than 36 weeks pregnant and having more than six contractions in an hour after trying these measures, contact the office. Cravings Eat a well-balanced diet and indulge yourself occasionally. Report cravings for non-food items or ice to your provider. Discharge It’s normal to experience a thin, milky discharge during your pregnancy. We recommend wearing panty liners and cotton underwear for more breathability. Avoid using tampons, and do not douche. Douching increases the risk of infection and may force air into your vagina, which can be hazardous to your baby. Dizziness and Fainting Move slowly, lay down, and turn on your left side. Fatigue Take short, 15-minute naps throughout the day. Gas / Constipation Consume more fluids and fiber, especially bran. Exercise regularly. Headaches Relax, massage neck or temples, and apply ice to the forehead. If headache persists, take Tylenol. If your headache is unrelieved by Tylenol, please call the office. Hemorrhoids Avoid constipation and straining. Lie with a pillow under your buttocks; apply ice or cold witch hazel to the painful area. Incontinence Urinate consistently. Do pelvic floor muscle exercises. DO NOT stop drinking fluids. Indigestion and Heartburn Eat slowly and more frequently. Chew gum after eating. Eat something dry before bed. Over-the-Counter Medications Approved for Pregnancy Insomnia Normal. Take a warm bath or drink warm milk before bed. Music, a book, and relaxation exercises will also help. Joint Pain Occurs with swelling, especially in the fingers. Pain in your hips occurs as joints relax before delivery. Exercise and get plenty of rest. Leg Cramps and Groin Pain May be caused by lack of calcium. Increase consumption of dairy products or calcium carbonate tablets. Decrease cola consumption. Low Cramps Normal, unless persistent or accompanied by bleeding. If this occurs, call the office. Mood Changes Mood changes during pregnancy are normal. If you have concerns with your mood changes, talk to your provider. They can provide a list of local resources for emotional support. Muscle Aches As your baby grows, muscle aches are common. You may also feel stretching and pulling pains in the abdomen or pelvic area. These are due to pressure from your baby’s head, weight increase, and the normal loosening of joints. Practice good posture and try to rest with your feet elevated. You may also treat with heat, Tylenol, chiropractor services, massage therapy, or acupuncture. Inform the practitioner that you are pregnant before services performed. Nausea Eat dry foods (crackers, pretzels, etc.) and small protein snacks (cheese, peanut butter) every one to two hours. If nausea persists, take Dramamine® or Unisom® and vitamin B6. Peppermint and ginger have natural anti-nausea properties and may reduce the severity of your symptoms. Spotting Minor spotting typically occurs during the first four months and can be treated with bed rest. Spotting is often caused by either vaginal exams or sexual intercourse and will stop within 24 hours. However, any bleeding should be reported immediately.